A Glimpse into Global Banking: AI's Report on Industry Endeavors

A Glimpse into Global Banking: AI's Report on Industry Endeavors
Photo by Tara Winstead: https://www.pexels.com/photo/robot-pointing-on-a-wall-8386440/

According to the annual Evident AI Index, JPMorgan Chase is the most mature when it comes to AI with Capital One and Royal Bank of Canada following. While these North American financial institutions are leading, their European counterparts are lagging. JPMorgan Chase is at the top of the list for the second year running, which ranks based on AI talent, innovation, leadership, transparency and outcomes.

Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Citi take the next three positions, with CommBank and DBS representing the Asia Pacific region in the top 10, while Europe has UBS and ING. Canada has four banks in the top 20. European banks rank towards the middle of the index or lower, and no UK banks have made it into the top 10, while Santander leads the Southern Europeans in 21st place. Nordic banks rank in the 40s.

Read More: A Glimpse into Global Banking: AI’s Report on Industry Endeavors