Concerns Rise as Europe's Economic Engine Shows Signs of Breaking Down

Concerns Rise as Europe's Economic Engine Shows Signs of Breaking Down
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

Economists see German growth lagging behind the rest of the region for years to come, and the International Monetary Fund estimates Germany will be the worst-performing G-7 economy this year.

Germany has been Europe’s economic engine for decades, pulling the region through one crisis after another. But that resilience is breaking down, and it spells danger for the whole continent.

Decades of flawed energy policy, the demise of combustion-engine cars and a sluggish transition to new technologies are converging to pose the most fundamental threat to the nation’s prosperity since reunification. But unlike in 1990, the political class lacks the leadership to tackle structural issues gnawing at the heart of the country’s competitiveness.

Read More : Concerns Rise as Europe’s Economic Engine Shows Signs of Breaking Down