Fed's emergency lending to banks decreases, yet stays at significant levels

Fed's emergency lending to banks decreases, yet stays at significant levels
Image by Jason Goh from Pixabay

Banks once again reduced their borrowings from two Federal Reserve backstop lending facilities in the most recent week, a sign the financial stresses that emerged following a string of bank collapses last month may be stabilizing.

US institutions had a combined $148.7 billion in outstanding borrowings in the week through April 5, compared with $152.6 billion the previous week.

Emergency borrowing retreated for the third straight week, suggesting liquidity demand continues to ease following the second-largest bank failure in US history. Over the past few weeks, banks appear to have shifted a larger share of their borrowing out of the discount window, the Fed’s traditional backstop lending program, and into the new emergency lending facility it launched last month to help stem contagion in the bank sector.

Source : Fed’s emergency lending to banks decreases, yet stays at significant levels