Investment Banking Giants Feel the Impact of the Great M&A Slump

Investment Banking Giants Feel the Impact of the Great M&A Slump
Photo by Louis Droege on Unsplash

A few years ago, top investment bankers at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. wouldn’t even bother picking up phone calls from recruiters at smaller rivals. This year, managers at Jefferies Financial Group Inc., Evercore Inc. and PJT Partners Inc. say they’ve been inundated with CVs from the likes of Goldman, Barclays Plc and Credit Suisse.

Never in their careers have they seen so much interest from senior Goldman staffers, the bankers said, asking not to be identified discussing competitors. Those smaller firms are talking to dozens of partners and managing directors across the industry at any given time and selecting the best from that crop, they said.

Read More : Investment Banking Giants Feel the Impact of the Great M&A Slump