Mexico Maintains Unchanged Key Interest Rate Following Consecutive Hikes

Mexico Maintains Unchanged Key Interest Rate Following Consecutive Hikes
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

The Bank of Mexico has decided to keep the key interest rate unchanged at 11.25 per cent, putting an end to consecutive rate hikes since June 2021, as the country enters a stage of “disinflation”.

The central bank’s five-member governing board unanimously voted against adjusting the target overnight interbank interest rate, as the current rate will help meet target inflation of 3 per cent, reports Xinhua news agency.

“The governing board evaluated the magnitude and diversity of inflationary shocks and their determinants, as well as the evolution of medium- and long-term expectations and the price formation process,” the central bank said in a statement.

Read More : Mexico Maintains Unchanged Key Interest Rate Following Consecutive Hikes