Monzo, British Digital Bank, Achieves Monthly Profitability Milestone Following Surge in Lending

Monzo, British Digital Bank, Achieves Monthly Profitability Milestone Following Surge in Lending
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Monzo on Wednesday said it hit profitability for the first time this year, in a major milestone for one of the U.K.’s most prominent digital banks.

In its annual report for the year ending February 2023, Monzo reported net operating income of £214.5 million ($266.1 million), almost doubling year-over-year from £114 million.

Losses at the bank nevertheless came in at a substantial £116.3 million — though this was slightly lower than the £119 million net loss Monzo reported in 2022.

Read More : Monzo, British Digital Bank, Achieves Monthly Profitability Milestone Following Surge in Lending