Morgan Stanley Lowers Regional Banks Outlook, Prompting Western Alliance's Financial Update to Suffer Share Price Drop

Morgan Stanley Lowers Regional Banks Outlook, Prompting Western Alliance's Financial Update to Suffer Share Price Drop
Photo by Sven Piper on Unsplash

The outlook for bank stocks remains muddy with first quarter earnings around the corner. Morgan Stanley cut its outlook for midsize banks early Wednesday and suggested Wall Street do the same. Western Alliance stock swooned following its financial update. But Zion Bancorp fell early Wednesday despite getting an upgrade from Baird.

Western Alliance Update
Phoenix-based Western Alliance Bancorp (WAL) provided a financial update ahead of its Q1 earnings report late April 18.

Western Alliance’s total insured deposits represent 68% of all deposits, which is “significantly higher” than at year-end. However, that may reflect an exodus of uninsured deposits over the past several weeks.

Source : Morgan Stanley Lowers Regional Banks Outlook, Prompting Western Alliance’s Financial Update to Suffer Share Price Drop