Morgan Stanley Predicts Slump in US Earnings for 2023, Followed by Strong Rebound in the Following Year

Morgan Stanley Predicts Slump in US Earnings for 2023, Followed by Strong Rebound in the Following Year
Photo by Paul Fiedler on Unsplash

Morgan Stanley warns of a 16% drop in profit for S&P 500 companies this year, followed by a sharp rebound in 2024 when analysts say the Federal Reserve’s policy will become more accommodative.

Strategists led by Michael Wilson said in a note on Monday that they expect earnings to rebound sharply, with a 23% jump next year.

The Wall Street bank warned that the EPS of S&P companies could slip to $185 from $195 in 2023 before recovering to $239 next year.

Read More : Morgan Stanley Predicts Slump in US Earnings for 2023, Followed by Strong Rebound in the Following Year