The Daunting Landscape Ahead for America's Smaller Banks

The Daunting Landscape Ahead for America's Smaller Banks
Photo by Louis Droege on Unsplash

When Silicon Valley Bank imploded, there was a lot of talk about the future of regional and community banks in the United States. Can they compete with the large, too-big-to-fail institutions? What will happen to their deposits and their cost of capital? But actually the challenges facing smaller banks long precede March’s banking drama. Tensions have been building for years, and will likely continue to do so, even if things have stabilized over the last few months. On this episode, we speak with Scott Hildenbrand, the chief balance sheet strategist at Piper Sandler, who works hand-in-hand with smaller banks to address these issues. We discuss the competitive landscape, the threats to their business model and why he thinks massive consolidation is on the way.

Read More : The Daunting Landscape Ahead for America’s Smaller Banks