UK Treasury Cautions Banks to 'Learn' From NatWest Rose's Departure

UK Treasury Cautions Banks to 'Learn' From NatWest Rose's Departure
Photo by Marvin Esteve on Unsplash

The UK Treasury warned Britain’s banks to heed the lessons of the departure of NatWest Group Plc Chief Executive Officer Alison Rose, telling executives to respect their customers’ freedom of expression.

“We all need to learn lessons from that across the whole financial sector,” City Minister Andrew Griffith said in an interview with the Bloomberg UK Politics Podcast, referring to the departure of Rose. “It’s fundamental that people have the right to a bank account, a basic building block of modern life, without worrying about being de-banked due to something they’ve said.”

Read More : UK Treasury Cautions Banks to ‘Learn’ From NatWest Rose’s Departure