US Banks Experience Massive $126 Billion Outflow of Deposits

US Banks Experience Massive $126 Billion Outflow of Deposits
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Depositors drained another $126 billion from U.S. banks during the week ending March 22, according to new Federal Reserve data. This time the outflow came from the nation’s largest institutions.

The biggest 25 banks lost $90 billion on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to the Fed. The smaller banks, which suffered massive withdrawals the previous week as regulators seized regional lenders Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, were able to stabilize their outflows. They actually gained back $6 billion on a seasonally adjusted basis.

Total industry deposits fell to $17.3 trillion, down 4.4% from the same week a year ago. That is the lowest level since July 2021.

Source : US Banks Experience Massive $126 Billion Outflow of Deposits