Vietnamese Banks Slash Deposit Rates in Effort to Stimulate Economic Growth

Vietnamese Banks Slash Deposit Rates in Effort to Stimulate Economic Growth
Photo by Silver Ringvee on Unsplash

Vietnamese banks have lowered their deposit interest rates further in a move designed to boost lending to shore up growth in the economy, local media reported on Friday.

The country’s four biggest lenders, including state-run Agribank and partly-privatized BIDV, Vietcombank and Vietinbank, cut their interest rates between 0.2 and 0.3 percentage points on Vietnamese dong deposits with maturities ranging from 6 months to one year, reports Xinhua news agency.

Vietcombank cut the interest rates for 6-month and 9-month deposits to 5.8 per cent and one-year to 7.2 per cent, according to a statement on its website.

Read More : Vietnamese Banks Slash Deposit Rates in Effort to Stimulate Economic Growth