World Bank: South Africa's Economy Drains R700bn Every Year Due to Crime

World Bank: South Africa's Economy Drains R700bn Every Year Due to Crime
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

The World Bank’s latest economic update has shed light on the profound impact that organized crime has on South Africa’s economy. Crime is costing the nation a staggering R700 billion each year, which is hampering economic growth and affecting the well-being of its citizens.

In the report titled “Safety First,” released today, Bénédicte Baduel and her team reveal that criminal activities are responsible for subtracting roughly 10% from South Africa’s GDP. The losses are incurred through direct thefts and robberies, which account for 3% of GDP, as well as additional security measures that businesses are compelled to undertake, surpassing global norms. These expenditures, along with crimes against infrastructure, lead to missed economic opportunities.

Read More : World Bank: South Africa’s Economy Drains R700bn Every Year Due to Crime