Global Banking Monitor

Friday, July 26, 2024

Stripe employees get to sell $1bn of shares

It's good news for the Stripe employees...

Strategies for Upskilling Your Workforce in an AI-Driven Economy

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI)...

Five Strategies for Enhancing Internal Communications in Banks

In the fast-paced world of banking, effective...

About Us

Welcome to Global Banking Monitor

In January 2006 we established the parent of what was to become Global Banking Monitor. Our ambition was to provide a selection of industry monitoring and analyst services to key verticals – banking being one of focus domains. More specifically over the years we have come to focus heavily on the business of digital banking and we have developed considerable domain knowledge in that sector.

For the longest time we have delivered our services in bespoke, private form, directly to our clients. Sometimes we’ll work on-site in client offices for months to deliver some work. Sometimes we’ll pop in for a day or two during quarterly board meetings. Other times you’ll find us beavering away in all sorts of locations around the world. The majority of us typically work remotely in a geographically dispersed manner (we were remote way before it was cool). 

Hello dot com!

After much discussion we decided to bring a section of our services live here on earlier this year, with a strong focus on our market curation and banking awards activities. We hope you enjoy the site. 

Articles – Curated and Original

Here on the site you’ll see a mix of curated media – that is, stories our analysts have found interesting and relevant from other publications across the internet, together with a mix of our own original opinions and perspectives. On curation, please note that we intentionally only include a sentence or two curated posts to give readers some context, then we strongly encourage you visit the destination site to read the full article. 


One of our favourite activities here at Global Banking Monitor is issuing utterly well deserved awards to banks and financial institutions that are delivering brilliant services and features to their customers. You’ll find we operate our awards structure and operations a little differently than the rest of the marketplace. This is totally deliberate. We felt the whole aspect of awards needed a total reset in 2023. We strongly encourage you to visit our Awards section to find out more. We hope you’ll find it a breath of fresh air! 


Please don’t hesitate to contact us – our details are right here

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